Egbe ti Oluwo Ifalasa
Ethics in all religious affairs is an absolute but takes on a specifically complex role as it pertains to spiritual ceremony, divination, vudun and pagan forms of worship. These latter modes of worship engage the unseen realm in more direct ways than the more mainstream globally practiced religions do. Whether one is speaking about Catholicism and beseeching Catholic saints for intercession concerning personal matters or the practice of Hinduism and Buddhism whereby interaction with the unseen realm relies on personal growth or access via sutras etc. Ifa, spiritualism, vudun and related disciplines engages the spiritual realm directly via spirits and or entities which represent elements of nature. Within Yoruba practice exists a central tenet of good character (Iwa Pele.) It is stressed time and time again via Pataki Ifa (ancient allegories) and various idioms that the importance of ethics within practice must be adhered to. What is rarely discussed is how this can be integrated in practices different or contrary to the broader more socially acceptable religious practices of our time. For example, some would find it difficult to use the word ethics and animal sacrifice within the same sentence. The entire notion of spiritual warfare also is problematic. Divination and spiritual cleaning as a process of altering future events can have profound ramifications. Ethics when dealing with these complex matters can become unclear due to human frailty. Should the strategic release of spiritual power be allowed against individuals solely because of a different point of view? Should one attempt to alter one's own future without consideration of its potential impact on others? It is an absolute reality that these questions will have to be answered by anyone engaging in a hands-on approach to the unseen realm. The notion that absolute power having the potential to corrupt absolutely will be an integral part of the life of anyone practicing these aforementioned spiritual disciplines. How practitioners of these disciplines strike a balance in these matters will very from individual to individual in relation to personal grace and spiritual enlightenment. Yoruba practice is quite clear on the matter; if ethical boundaries are crossed or simply ignored for the sake of convenience the end result not only pertains to the practitioner but also the individual's entire spiritual framework. Engaging in spiritual warfare for selfish purposes or over differences of opinion darkens one's own spirit guides. This overtime can lead to one's own spiritual frame losing the capacity to perform curative works making it difficult or impossible to intervene on one's own behalf when you really need them.
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